Flood the World with Art

Eon Artist
4 min readMay 10, 2022
“Art Flood” Created using Wombo Dream

I believe there is a cure to the sickness that I see within humankind. If you’re conscious, like I hope you are, you see it. It needs no further explanation.

Tonight, while I should be heading to bed, my existence is relentless in its desire to communicate this message that I’ve held inside of me. This communication, and the answer it implies, are both simple. The complication comes lightly in the execution, and greatly in the patience for the time it will take to lock in and make the desired impact.

Art is the answer. Flood the world with it.

I believe art is the ultimate form of communication. It is the purest method of translating the lens that one person sees things through to another lens. The brushstrokes of a painter, the slanted script of a handwritten letter, the spaces between the melody, and the position of a dancer’s arm in relation to the rest of their body, they are all forms of communication that tap deeply into the being of the person sensing the art. They all tell the witness that there’s something more, something better about the world. A message in which language is insufficient to properly convey.

It’s true that not all art translates to all people, and that’s ok. In fact that’s great, because it’s not supposed to. A perfect piece of art from one person could look, sound, feel, or taste something terrible to the wrong audience. In those moments when the artistic witness and the artist themselves align it is nothing short of a miracle. Both parties connect and begin to exist on a higher wavelength for a moment.

Consider the impact of that phenomenon when compared to so many other things out there. Humanity is filled with many easily accessible options to dampen, destroy, and erode the hope and joy inside of ourselves. There is a plethora of methods to diminish one’s existence in this life. How often is the reverse true? By comparison it is unfortunately rare.

Amplifying the frequency of a person is through art is simple, yet rarely easy. It doesn’t take years of meditation, it doesn’t take a near death experience, and it doesn’t require money. All it takes is the ability to bear witness to something artistically created, and for the witness to connect with the work. That’s it. Afterwards, partial enlightenment occurs, and it can be just as permanent as anything else.

So why isn’t the world in a place where everything is already great because of art? My theory: frequency. There simply aren’t enough artists, pieces, or witnesses who are seeking this form of awakening. I am not disparaging any artists that exist today, or in the past, nor attempting to diminish any impact they have already had. But imagine if all the good that art has done for the world were multiplied in frequency by 2… then 3… then 5… then 1000… then to an uncountable state.

Please. Literally imagine that for a moment.




What did you see?

I see the only realistic approach I’ve ever heard to creating Utopia. It is possible. We simply need more beautiful vulnerable souls who are willing to create, systems that are built to encourage these people and financially support them, and to transmute people into witnesses who recognize the value of the communications.

Art is the answer. Flood the world with it.

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Eon Artist

Simply a man who believes in changing the world through art.